Artificial Grass Stafford, Maryland

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  • SplashGrass by ForeverLawn

You look out at your lawn and see patches of brown, unruly weeds, and uneven growth. Your kids and pets drag mud inside after even a light rain. You have no time to maintain your yard, but don’t want to sign a contract with a service that may or may not be effective.

If any of these statements sound like you, it is time for you to contact ForeverLawn by the Bay.

ForeverLawn by the Bay provides synthetic grass that is so natural-looking and feeling that even you may not be able to tell the difference. The secret comes from innovative technology that allows synthetic blades to appear like real grass. However, unlike real grass, once the product is installed, there is virtually no further upkeep necessary.

ForeverLawn® provides a number of different styles of synthetic grass to meet the needs of all of our customers. We can help you decide which is best for you.

Select Synthetic Grass for Homes and Offices

ForeverLawn® Landscape

Provides the highest level of realism and functionality for landscaping areas.

ForeverLawn Landscape at Residential Home
K9Grass by ForeverLawn


The synthetic grass specifically designed for dogs! The proprietary knitted Flow-Through Backing, antimicrobial agents in the blades, and no-infill design keep dogs and dog owners happy and clean.

Playground Grass

Designed with children’s safety in mind, this artificial turf is ASTM safety rated up to 13 feet to maximize safety around high equipment.

Playground Grass by ForeverLawn
GolfGreens by ForeverLawn


Our custom-designed golf greens for players of all levels provide a beautiful space for entertaining and practice.


Created with athletes’ needs in mind for ultimate athletic performance, this artificial turf has less infill than its predecessors so particles won’t fly into the players’ eyes.

SportsGrass by ForeverLawn

ForeverLawn is your best source for synthetic grass. Contact ForeverLawn by the Bay now for more information and a quote for your next synthetic lawn project.