Tallahassee Soccer Field
When old turf wasn’t delivering the best conditions for this soccer field, the ForeverLawn Emerald Coast team was called in to provide a superior, lasting solution. A customized version of SportsGrass® Edge XP was installed—75,420 square feet to be exact—to create a full-sized soccer field and three smaller ones. These fields are used in the community by adults and children alike for various soccer leagues. ForeverLawn® customized the turf by shortening the pile height to 1.5 inches, increasing the stitch count to retain the original face weight, and adding XStatic® antistatic technology. XStatic® is a vital component in this project because there have been problems with static across city parks. Installation was key for the success of this field, so we installed a Schmitz ProPlay 20 shock pad under the turf and used USGreentech’s Envirofill 12/20 rather than rubber infill. In just two weeks, this community got four beautiful new soccer fields that are safe, durable, and provide an attractive feature to local soccer leagues.