44. Court Episode: Week 2 – May 8 to 10
In this episode of the Impact Without Limits podcast, Dale and Brian continue recounting the long-running legal battle with JSA, which is now nearing its final days.
After the intense courtroom drama of the previous episode, the brothers step through the pivotal moments in their case, including the crucial testimony from their witnesses, the mounting frustration with stalling tactics from the other side, and the emotional highs of finally telling their story.
Key highlights include powerful testimonies from former dealers and competitors, especially from Roger Baker, who delivers a game-changing performance on the stand, exposing the truth behind the conflict with Matt and Diana. As they await the final verdict, they share the mix of relief, uncertainty, and peace that comes with knowing they had done everything they could.
Tune in to hear about the dramatic courtroom moments and the emotional journey as they await the final verdict after a decade-long battle.

Episode Highlights:
- 7 year recap.
- The witness list.
- The stare down.
- Washing it away at the beach.
- The wait continues.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn:
- www.foreverlawn.com
- Impact Without Limits Instagram: @impact_withoutlimits
- ForeverLawn’s Instagram: @foreverlawninc
- Dale’s Instagram: @dalekarmie
- Brian’s Instagram: @bkarmie
- Get Grass Without Limits Here
- Visit our show notes page HERE
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This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.