March Special Feature Part 1: The Power of Unwavering Belief with Angie and Lorie Karmie

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify A note from Dale and Brian:  This month we’re kicking off a new series […]

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12. Every Moment Matters

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Have you ever felt like what you were doing didn’t matter? This week, Dale […]

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11. Make The Extraordinary Your Ordinary

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Has anyone ever looked at you and your life and thought, “You must be […]

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10. The Baby and The Cow– What’s Your Perspective?

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify When you look at your business, do you think, “What can I get out […]

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9. An Angel and a Bag of Cash–Make Space for Miracles

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Many people sit around waiting for God to provide a miracle, but are you […]

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8. Inaction Isn’t an Option

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify What do you do when you’re fully committed, but nothing goes according to plan? […]

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Exclusive Interview: Go the Extra Mile with Jeffrey Earnhardt

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify This week, Dale and Brian share a conversation with NASCAR driver Jeffrey Earnhardt. Grandson […]

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7. What Are You Willing to Give Up in Order to Advance Forward?

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify What would you give up to move forward? Last week, Dale and Brian shared […]

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6. Nobody Gets Better by Being Comfortable

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Have you ever sat next to someone stinky on a flight? You’d think after […]

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5. What’s the Worst Thing That Could Happen?

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Have you ever had a day where everything goes wrong?  Last week on Impact […]

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4. Do You Roll With the Punches or Get Knocked Out?

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Are you the type of person that needs to have everything go according to […]

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3. Hurdles, Not Roadblocks

Listen on Itunes Listen on Spotify Has a hurdle ever stopped you from running full stride? This week, Dale and […]

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