16. We’ve Got to Get This Right
If you fall off of a horse, what do you do?
Business, like life, can be full of unexpected circumstances. You might think you’re doing everything right and then realize you’re doing it all wrong. Sometimes you are in the right ‘race,’ but something happens, and you realize you’ve got the wrong ‘horse.’
It’s how we respond to these circumstances that shape who we are.
In the early days of ForeverLawn, Inc., Dale and Brian realized that it was getting more difficult to track sales and financials as the company grew. In response, they found a remote company to handle orders, track payments & bills, and produce financial reports.
Having a company on the outside looking in allowed the brothers to look at the business differently and helped them to make more strategic decisions. As they continued to depend on the company more, they decided it was time to hire someone full-time. They approached the company they had been utilizing about hiring one of their employees, and both agreed it was a smart move.
Things were going great, and then unforeseen circumstances caused them to lose a wealth of information. Even though they had to do it right and couldn’t afford not to, they got it wrong again! This will play out later, so stay tuned and subscribe.

Episode Highlights:
- Sometimes you do something wrong and get another shot.
- We realized we needed someone to track our financials.
- Finding a remote company to help with financials.
- Sometimes you need someone on the outside looking in.
- Hiring someone full-time to handle orders and financial data.
- Unexpected health issues lead to a sticky situation.
- When you get knocked down, you’ve got to get back up.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn:
- www.foreverlawn.com
- Impact Without Limits Instagram: @impact_withoutlimits
- ForeverLawn’s Instagram: @foreverlawninc
- Dale’s Instagram: @dalekarmie
- Brian’s Instagram: @bkarmie
- Get Grass Without Limits Here
- Visit our show notes page HERE
- Subscribe to Our Newsletter HERE
This show has been produced by Adkins Media Co.