32. You’re the Man for the Job
Have you ever missed an answer to prayer?
This is a pivotal moment for the Karmie brothers. This week, join Brian and Dale as they share about a mundane trip which turns out to be the birth of something extraordinary.
Throughout this time period, they pray consistently for God to open doors He wants them to walk through and to close doors to any distractions.
As God leads Brian and Dale toward starting their own business, the brothers find themselves stuck in the mindset that they are lacking the ability, resources, and knowledge to take on the opportunity.
But the brothers eventually recognize that they’re closing doors to both the opportunity and answered prayers God was providing. So they shifted their mindset and walked through the door, eager to start what would one day become something extraordinary.
Are you closing doors God has opened for you?
Take a moment to reframe your mind. Instead of thinking of why you can’t, start thinking of the reasons you can.
Keep your eyes open to what God has in store for you. There could be something extraordinary and impactful just a few steps ahead.
Welcome back to Impact Without Limits.

Episode Highlights:
- The consistent prayer.
- An eye-catching product.
- “The Magical Mystery Tour.”
- A mundane moment that turned into a life-changing experience.
- Closed doors turned into extraordinary opportunities.
Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on ForeverLawn: