Jessica Alba’s ForeverLawn featured on E! – PA

When actress Jessica Alba and her designer Kari Whitman worked together to remodel Alba’s new home, they chose kid-friendly and environmentally conscious products. ForeverLawn synthetic turf was chosen for Jessica Alba’s backyard, for the many unique benefits it offers to the environment, children, and even pets.
“She wanted her home to be completely dog- and kid-friendly,” said Whitman. “She really wanted to stay really green, and she also wanted to stay private…We put [ForeverLawn] grass in her backyard…it looks just like grass, and it’s great for children, and you don’t have to water it,” said Whitman.
“My first priority in doing our home renovations was making sure that all of our augmentations were environmentally friendly,” says Alba. “In addition to the eco requirement, we wanted to use products that were child and pet friendly. ForeverLawn’s product fit our criteria. ForeverLawn’s tan thatch blades add to the natural grass appearance and the use of shredded recycled tires provides the same comfort and padding of real soil. ForeverLawn has been great to work with and the courtesy and integrity of the installation crew was very refreshing. The result is far beyond what I could have imagined.”
– Jessica Alba