Setting the Standard in Safety
Since our inception, ForeverLawn has prioritized both quality and integrity of product, understanding that to properly serve our customers and communities we must provide a solution that enhances and fosters safety, accessibility, and longevity. Guided by this conviction, we have selected both materials and partners with the utmost caution to ensure we produce the best and safest synthetic grass solutions.
We work with multiple independent laboratories to continuously test our products to ensure compliance with industry and government standards. We can say with confidence that ForeverLawn products are designed to meet or exceed all known standards and enhance the health and safety of our users.
Published Safety Reports

Crumb Rubber Issue Research Update
Crumb Rubber Infill Executive Summary
Letter to Conferened Parents from the Synthetic Turf Council regarding Crumb Rubber Safety
Safety of Synthetic Turf Validated by NJ Test Results
Experts agree there is no scientific evidence of health risks in New Jersey Synthetic Turf Fields
Frequently Asked Questions about Crumb Rubber Infill
New Independent Lab Testing of Synthetic Turf Crumb Rubber Infill Re-confirms Health and Safety
Universities & Colleges
Pennsylvania State University
New Penn State study debunks staph bacteria scare in synthetic turf
A Survey of Microbial Populations in Infilled Synthetic Turf Fields
Lower Canada College
Labosport Technical Report – Toxicological Analysis of performance infill for synthetic turf fields according to EN 71-3 standard – Safety of toys Part 3: Migration of certain elements.
Government Agencies
Federal Research on Recycled Tire Crumb Used on Playing Fields
US Product Safety Commission
CPSC Staff Finds Synthetic Turf Fields OK to Install, OK to Play On
Connecticut Department of Health
Concluding that artificial turf fields do not represent an elevated health risk
Massachusetts, Bureau of Environmental Health
Synthetic turf fields with crumb rubber infill do not represent an elevated health risk, including cancer
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science, Research and Technology
Preliminary Assessment of the Toxicity from Exposure to Crumb Rubber: its use in Playgrounds and Artificial Turf Playing Fields
ALIAPUR (French government body responsible for used tires) and ADEME (French Agency for Environment and Energy Management)
Study Proves Rubber Granules in Artificial Turf Safe for the Environment
Other Publications
NY Synthetic Turf Ban Defeated
Laura C. Green, Ph.D., D.A.B.T.,
Executive Summary: Report of Dr. Laura C. Green on Media Reports Alleging Cancer Risk Associated with Synthetic Turf
Executive Summary from Noted Toxicologist Dr. Laura C. Green on Safety of Crumb Rubber